What is It?

Ganoderma sessile is a recently re-named species of Reishi found in north America. Previously it was known as Ganoderma lucidum, the species commonly referred to as Reishi found in Asia and Europe. However, recent genealogical evidence has indicated that the north American variety is a unique species.
For many years, Ganoderma sessile was considered to be Ganoderma lucidum. Research published in 2018 by Loyd et al found that Ganoderma lucidum was in fact only native to two places in North America, Utah and northern Califorina, and is likely a non-native species introducted accidently by cultivators. Ganoderma sessile is a related species native to North America.
Species of Ganoderma, commonly called reishi (in Japan) or lingzhi (in China), have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Research by Loyd et al has shown that products labeled as ‘reishi’ often contain a mix of species from this genus, including G. applanatum, G. australe, G. gibbosum, G. sessile, and G. sinense. There is likely differences between the species in terms of potency but more research is needed.