Leadership Circle


We are a volunteer run, sociocratic-circle organization, with leadership circle of ~30 rotating members. We meet online and in-person to organize.

Deadline is April 30, 2025

Angel with the an Eastern North American Destroying Angel or Amanita bisporigera


Formerly an experience designer and animator in the tech world, she hopes to inspire more people dial into the wood-wide-web. Angel Schatz radiates passion for understanding the ecosystem of central Texas and making mycology education accessible to anyone who shares interest. She is a long-time urban gardener; harmonizing vegetable gardening and mushroom growing, particularly by using recycled mushroom blocks.

Angel leads the Education, Volunteer, and Communication Circle.


Louis Keller

Louis Keller is the Healthy Soils, Healthy Trees program coordinator. In this role, he helps educate the community about the importance of fungal rich soils in supporting thriving tree populations amidst drought and increasing heat. Outside of this role, Louis is a passionate soil microscopist. He assesses soils using the principles of the soil food web, a framework that examines complex interactions between the different soil microbial trophic levels.



Chris Garza is an ecologist that is exceptionally passionate about plants, insects, fungi and the relationships between them. He is a Certified Ecologist, ISA Certified Arborist, Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner in Training, and is part of the Board of Directors for the Travis Audubon Society. Between school and work, he has been involved in the Texas environmental realm for about 15 years.

Chris is a trustee, walk leader, and teaches ecology & fungi programs.



Austin, from Austin, is a long time gardener and farm nerd in the Central Texas scene. Through volunteer farming and engaging in outreach he actively pursues ways to improve the local food system with the aim of cultivating community.

Austin teaches gourmet mushroom cultivation.


Andrea Julian

Andrea is an ecologist, writer and passionate advocate for the natural world. She holds a BS in Biology and MS in Wildlife Ecology from Texas State University. Her interest in the relationships between urban landscapes and wildlife inspired her thesis work, an investigation of urban bird communities in central Texas. She is a member of the Capital Area Master Naturalists and continues to feed her bird obsession by leading bi-monthly bird walks at McKinney Falls State Park.

Andrea is in the communication circle and writes the weekly newsletter.


Molly McClurg

I am from the city of Austin along the (Texas) Colorado River, among the ashe juniper trees and prickly pear cactus. I'm an artist and fungi enthusiast. I spend about half of the year traveling to expand my understanding of art, nature, and culture. I studied Art & Design and have worked as a print and digital graphic designer, a UX designer and researcher, and most recently as a Professor of Visual Communication at Austin Community College.

Molly leads the fundraising circle.


Kalery Rongé

Kalery is a mycologist enthusiastic with over a decade of mushroom exploration. By day, she leads a global renewals team in the tech industry, but her heart belongs to the fascinating world of fungi. Known for her passion in both sales and mycology, she’s on a whimsical mission to connect with people and help the membership community with Central Texas Mycology.

Kalery leads the membership circle.


Dennis Owens

Microbiologist/Chemist, worked in 33 different countries performing remediation of all types, environmentalist and mycophile.

Dennis leads the Mycoremediation circle


Cody Masters

Cody is an avid mycologist, and nature enthusiast that is dedicated to education and making mycology accessible to people of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities. A Mycosymbyotics certified Cordyceps grower and extraction artist with over 10 years of mycology experience. He began extracting medicinal compounds from fungi over the last few years and has created his own line of performance enhancing mushroom supplements. He has made it his mycelium mission to spread spores across the earth.

Cody teachers mushroom cultivation. Follow Cody @mastersmushrooms


April Kissinger

April is a scientist with a BS in physics, and has decided to devote her life to fungi. As well as CTMS, she also volunteers as a Data Scientist and DNA sequence validator for multiple fungal organizations, and helps Austin Youth River Water on various projects. She has over 12 years experience in various research roles and is currently using her skill set however she can to further fungal research as she feels fungi can teach us so much, ultimately helping to heal our Earth and its many inhabitants.

April is in the education circle and is reactivating the Myco Research Station.


Roxy Eguia

Roxy Eguia is a dynamic and passionate advocate for water, fungi, native plants, and creative expression. As a graduate student in Water Resource Science at Texas A&M San Antonio, she explores the intersection of biotechnology and regenerative design to benefit society. In her role as a Small Business Opportunities Specialist for the San Antonio Water System, she supports local businesses in adopting sustainable water practices. Additionally, Roxy is a Mycology Lab steward at CTMS Gardopia, where she cultivates a deep appreciation for mushrooms and their ecological significance. She is particularly fascinated by mycoremediation and aquatic fungi's potential in Texas watersheds, and she frequently hosts events on mushroom cultivation, foraging, mycoremediation, and culinary uses. Roxy's work emphasizes the profound connections between water, flora, and fungi, celebrating the rich heritage of Texas, Mexico, and Indigenous cultures.

Roxy leads the SATX M.E.M.E. Lab.


McKenzie Jones

McKenzie loves the outdoors, cooking mushrooms and getting people excited about ways they can grow fungi at home. She uses her love of reading and learning to run the CTMS book club and likes discussing a range of topics from fungi to climate change to native land practices. In her free time you will find her running her postpartum doula business, cooking vegan meals or taking a bath.

McKenzie leads the Book Club



Ann Armstrong, Carter Humpreys, Deena Spellman, Elise Dole, Gabe Miller, Hector Garcia, Jessi Jordan, Jesus Garcia, Jonathan Erickson-Bruce, Liz Bowman, Mariana Villani, Mason Lalley, Nick Steinhauser, Shelia Prescott, Sonia Koschoreck, Ximena Curiel