PHOTOS: Myco-blitz at Balcones Canyonland Preserve

Thanks to Jeremy Hull @bluetip84 and everyone from Balcones Canyonland Preserve @bcp_traviscounty for having us out for our first Myco-blitz! We are so grateful for all of the volunteers that joined us and observed the cycle of mushroom life with us! Even though things are starting to get toasty we observed a lot of diversity of mushrooms and logged the photos on

Here is a slideshow of a few of the observations. You can find more on iNaturalist.

1. Group photo of volunteers
2. #Dacrymycetaceae Jelly fungus
3. Huge cross section of #Xylaria #deadmansfingers. We spotted quite a few different species of this fungus in various stages of growth.
4. #Omphalotussubilludens #jackolanternmushroom This mushroom glows in the dark and you can check out @chungwei3wei beautiful photography of this bioluminescence mushroom.
5. We found several dried #Cantharellus Chanterelles next to different types of oaks including Live Oaks and maybe Post Oaks. Some were even growing under a tarp that was being used in a restoration project to remove an invasive ground cover.
6. #Sarcoscyphaaustriaca #scarletelfcup
7. #Pleurotusostreatus #oystermushroom

We can't wait to come back after the next good rain and continue to explore the biodiversity!