AUSTIN: Mushroom Alchemy with Eugenia Bone & William Padilla-Brown
AUSTIN: Mushroom Alchemy with Eugenia Bone & William Padilla-Brown
WHEN: April 27, 2024, 1pm - 5pm
WHERE: Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts, 109 Denson, Ste D, Austin TX 78752
DONATION: $45 Members, $75 Non-Members

Join us for a magical, culinary journey into the world of mushrooms as we warmly welcome the highly esteemed mycologists, Eugenia Bone & William Padilla-Brown. Over the afternoon enjoy two classes to explore the history and mysteries of Truffles, and learn the magic of cooking at home with mushrooms.
ALL ATTENDEES WILL entered to win the Fantastic Fungi Culinary Cookbook.
Win a signed Fantastic Fungi Community Cookbook when you purchase tickets to the Mushroom Alchemy event! It is edited with essays by Eugenia Bone with recipes by the people who know mushroom cooking best—mushroom lovers! These are the kinds of recipes you will actually cook for dinner: tried-and-true, family recipes representing cultures from all over the world. Pre-order the book and pick it up at the event!
1:00 p.m. Mushroom Magic in the Kitchen with Eugenia Bone (90 minutes)
3:00 p.m. Truffles Unveiled Talk with William Padilla-Brown (90 minutes)
Agenda subject to change. This event will be filmed. Waiver must be signed by all attendees. Tickets are limited and your donation goes to support the mycological society and help cover costs of hosting mycologists.
ABOUT Eugenia Bone
Eugenia Bone is an internationally known food and science writer whose work has appeared in many anthologies, magazines, and newspapers. She is a member of the faculty at the New York Botanical Garden where she teaches classes on mycophagy and psychedelic mushrooms. She is the author or co-author of eight books on food and biology, including the category staple Mycophilia, and most recently, the Fantastic Fungi Community Cookbook (December, 2021). She has been nominated for a variety of awards, including a James Beard Award. Eugenia is featured in the documentary directed by Louie Schwartzberg, Fantastic Fungi (2019), and in the Netflix children’s show about food, Waffles + Mochi (the mushroom episode) produced by Michele Obama’s Higher Ground Productions. Learn More
Founder and CEO of MycoSymbiotics, William Padilla-Brown is a Multidisciplinary Citizen Scientist practicing social science, mycology, phycology, molecular biology, and additive manufacturing. William founded MycoSymbiotics in 2015, and has since developed it into the innovative practical applied biological science business it is today. William holds permaculture design certificates acquired through Susquehanna Permaculture and NGOZI, and a certificate from the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in algal culturing techniques. He has published the first English-language books on cultivating the cordyceps mushroom and regularly leads courses on their cultivation. William's research has been sponsored by several organizations and his work has been featured in multiple publications, including Fantastic Fungi and VICE. He also founded and manages MycoFest, an annual mushroom and arts festival, now on its tenth year! Learn More
Event is brought to you by Blue Circle Mushrooms, Central Texas Mycological Society and Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts.