Texas Star Mushroom & Herb Walk + Mushroom Block Giveaway
Texas Star Mushroom & Herb Walk + Mushroom Block Giveaway
When: Friday, November 24, 2023 from 11am - 1pm
Where: American Botanical Council in East Austin
Guide: Shaman Jesus from Herbal Action Project
Cost: $7+ (donations accepted for blocks and for supporting mycology educators)
Join us to look our new state mushroom Texas Star Mushroom also known as the Devil’s Cigar. Chorioactis geaster. It is unique to our state and is only found in a few other geographic locations - Japan and Taiwan. Scientists are perplexed as to why it is so geographically distributed and separated genetically by 18 million years. The mushroom hisses when at opens and spreads its spore. Watch Video. You may recognize the mushroom because it is part of our logo.
We will start the day with a plant walk in the botanical gardens, learning about the relationship between fungi & trees as we root down with a gratitude meditation for our lands, bringing thanks to the earth and associating elements.
This fall, American Botanical Council (ABC) will begin being a recycled mushroom block pick-up location. Join us in the kick-off to ABC being added to the map by picking up some blocks to recycle. Learn how to recycle them and how to support the program here.
Objectives: learn tree & fungi identification, corresponding botanicals, native- indigenous plant species, rituals & meditation. Gathering with Myco-Community.
Jesus Garcia is a traditional Mexican Herbalist, Garden Designer and International Educator focusing on Native & Indigenous Botanical lineage spirit teachings. Jesus is also the founder of the community gardening collective TheHerbalActionProject, a project based initiative for all ages in private, charter & public schools focusing on children’s herbalism.
Since 1988, the American Botanical Council (ABC) has been educating consumers, healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, industry and the media on the safe and effective use of herbs and medicinal plants. Click here to read the history and highlights of ABC (through 2013) and the first 100 HerbalGrams. ABC is an independent, nonprofit organization supported by thousands of members around the world.