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Fall Continental Mycoblitz

Join us in this online mycoblitz by observing, collecting mushrooms for DNA sequencing by Mycota Labs.

Welcome to the third online, continental-scale mushroom-collecting foray! It is a part of our effort to document all of the macrofungi that exist in North America. The Continental Mycoblitz will be conducted in three parts this year – with dates available to optimize both east and west coast collections. To participate just review the requirements below, post your observations to the iNaturalist project during the foray week, and submit your ten (10) most interesting collections to our processing facilities. Thousands of specimens from the event will be selected for DNA sequencing. Your most interesting finds can help us to understand the mushrooms of North America. We look forward to discovering fungi with you!

What is a MycoBlitz?

You may have heard of a “BioBlitz” – an intense, and usually time limited survey of all of the organisms living in a given geographic area. A MycoBlitz is a similar survey, but with the focus solely on fungi. Participants work to catalog as many species as they can from the survey area, during the survey time period.