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Mycology Happy Hour at Saddle Up

DATE: Thursday, February 10, 2022

TIME: 5 – 7 p.m.


TICKETS: Open to Public, Free with RSVP

Come have a beer, cider or bottle of natural wine. Let’s chat about wild yeasts, Botrytis cinerea. The food truck Taco Bronco next door will be cooking up a special, one-night menu of mushroom tacos!

Smallhold, a local mushroom farm will also be joining us. We will be doing a giveaway of their new cookbook “Mushrooms in the Middle.” Best part, it’s a fundraiser for Fungi Foundation.

We will also be giving away recycled mushroom blocks from Small Hold at the event. RSVP & be entered to win below.

Enter the giveaway:

  1. Enter to win below.

  2. Follow @smallhold

  3. Spread the spores by tagging your friends on social media so they can also learn how to cook you amanita-colored, mushroom bao buns.

  4. Show up at happy hour to eat mushroom tacos. Winner will be picked randomly.

This event is outdoors and there is lots of room to spread out.