First Meeting Postponed Until 2/28/21
This is the start of our new book! We will begin “The Mushrooms at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins” by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing.
This book is already broken up into 4 neat parts, so we will have 5 meetings! ;) Each meeting we will discuss one part of the book except for part 3- we will break that up into two parts.
Part 1: “What’s Left” 02/28/2021
Part 2: “After Progess: Salvage Accumulation” 3/14/2021
Part 3: Disturbed Beginnings: Unintentional Design Dis 1 3/28/2021
Part 3: Disturbed Beginnings: Unintentional Design Dis 2 4/11/2021
Part 4: The Middle of Things 04/25/2021
Use this link is for all of our second Sunday book club meet ups!
Meeting ID: 841 4155 8659
Passcode: 828885