Join Ecology Actions at for their 4th annual EcoBlitz park clean up next Sunday.
“Meet at Roy G Guerrero Park from 9-1. Unfortunately, illegal dumping is still occurring in and around #circleacres and #roygguerreropark, like this demolished house that was dumped in the tributary just upstream from us this summer. We’ll be meeting in the first parking lot inside the park from the Grove Blvd entrance (on the left by the baseball fields). Also we wanted to thank the #CentralTexasTrailTamers and our volunteers who helped us begin an overhaul of our Atwood Trail entrance and opening up better access to the park for our immediate neighbors. The local kids were real excited. While we were working on the trail head a truck pulled up attempting to dump a load of trash at the dead end, which we had just cleaned up. 😖” -Ecology Action