BULK ♼ Mushroom Block PICK-UP
Want 50+ mushroom blocks for a personal or community projects?
Help us keep thousands of mycelium blocks out of the waste by picking them up directly from the mushroom farm. To keep the mycelium running in the community, we also ask that you drop blocks at empty community pickup location and mycology events. Most vehicles including cars and hatchbacks will work and can fit about 75 blocks. Most trucks can fit around 150 blocks. We recommend you use a tarp— it gets messy.
Pick a date below to pick up blocks from the mushroom farm in North Austin (183 & Mopac). Collection of blocks must be pre-scheduled at 10 a.m. M-F or Sunday. You can't show up anytime because blocks are kept indoors at the farm and a staff member must be there to open the gate to unload them in your vehicle. If your plans change please cancel. There are limited supply and shifts and when you are a NO SHOW, blocks go in the waste. 🙁
Once you sign-up and pick a date, we will text and email you a day before your shift with the instructions, safety protocols, directions to the farm and address for drop off at a community pickup closest to you.
Block delivery means you pick-up a 50+ blocks in your own vehicle to deliver at least 25 to community pickup closest to you. Sometimes community drops sites are full so we need people to take them to their home and community projects.
Don’t live in Central Texas?
Contact your local mushroom farm to see if you can take mushroom compost blocks. Visit our map of Texas Mushroom Companies.